The most effective way to attract Top Quality Staff
It is generally agreed that the achievement of the organisation’s strategic objectives is largely dependent on its ability to attract, retain and engage high calibre and great talent. This is particularly important with regards to defined critical positions, strategically critical skills and ensuring adequate succession.
One key factor in running a successful organisation is having highly skilled and motivated employees. Attracting, retaining and engaging the best talent drive higher productivity and enable your company to face new challenges of the global International hospitality market.
Therefore, it is necessary to systematically seek, develop, and nurture the right talent to address the organisation’s global needs. At the same time, personal development is an important part of the employee’s career development.
Industry leaders today recognise that a high performing or high potential employee is its most critical asset. Employees are investments that will, if effectively managed and developed, provide long-term rewards to the organisation in the form of greater productivity.
Base Pay – Base pay is the number one factor for attraction. This is the first thing that management needs to look at to ensure that the remuneration package is attractive. This means paying at the market rate unless the job or the company’s reputation is good enough to persuade people to settle for less however this is often difficult to get a candidate to accept as candidates know what they market rate is.
How far you go above the market rate depends on how badly you want to attract the best available talent and the extent to which you need to compensate for any drawbacks in the job. Competitive Pay of the main reasons why most employees work for a certain organisation, the higher the pay is, the more likely employees are willing to devote their time and energy to help the organisation succeed. Regular yearly market salaries scale reviews should be carried out to check the competitiveness of packages offered.
Benefits Package – many companies are offering non-traditional benefits to help employees balance the necessities of their professional and personal lives. Benefits such as life insurance, healthcare coverage, paid leave, retirement plan packages. Plus, other specific company benefits like Transport allowance and company discount benefits. Make sure that your benefits programmes are competitive with the market.
The Job – the company is more likely to attract the right talent if the job, as described, looks and sounds good from the point of view of interest, challenge, and opportunity. Employees are attracted to the satisfaction challenges and developments a job can give them.
Organisation’s reputation – most employees seek to work for companies that have a good industry reputation. As such a business show they are well established and are market leaders in employee engagement. Excellent corporate brand and culture that filters down attract employees because they have good and proven practices that make them successful.
- Do you provide employees with an enjoyable working environment or is it tense and stressful?
- Is there a strong sense of team in the organisation or is everyone simply doing their own thing?
- Do certain personalities take away from a great working atmosphere, rather than contributing to it?
Frequently in business our reputation precedes us – so it is worth asking the question: If I didn't work here already, would I want to? Treating employees with kindness, appreciation and respect typically yields a response of hard work, dedication and commitment.
The most popular companies to work for are those who possess strong brand recognition and have a reputation for excellence in their market. Discerning professionals will use their relational networks to establish the 'real picture' of what it's like to work there.
There are several ways on how to retain employees and these are as follows:
Effective rewards and recognition – Managers need to introduce procedures for rewarding employees more explicitly based on effort or performance. Show appreciation by recognising employees’ performance. Everyone plays a part in the company's success. "Small" contributions can add up, making the workplace a great place to be. Taking a minute to acknowledge someone, writing a thank you note or email. Never hesitate to give credit to those who deserve it.
Career development and opportunities – Employees expect continuous learning opportunities to keep them engaged at work. There are many ways to offer learning development opportunities, such as classroom training, seminars, webinars, coaching and mentoring. This is a good investment for the strategic growth and engagement of the employees. Plus, this is a good feeder pool for future staff to be considered for promotion.
Employee needs – Employees sometimes leave because of internal conflicts. Management can address this by introducing more effective procedures handling grievances. Also, the manager/supervisor needs to undergo education and training in order to improve their relationship with employees should this be required. Managers can play a key role in driving sustainable employee engagement leading to lower turnover.
Flexible but strict requirements – To reduce staff storage, management can improve recruitment, selection, and training of talent needed. Better planning and work schedules can help employees strengthen their commitment toward tasks and responsibilities. Work Life Balance – This can come in many forms like paid time off, sick leave, vacation time combined with alternative work arrangements, such as flexible work schedules. This will ensure that your employees will have a difficult time leaving your company.
Culture -Every company’s culture is different, so play to its strengths. That might mean having time for your employees for not just work but also to get involved in social activities such as sporting events, company outings and other stress-relieving activities.
Fair pay- Employees understand that all jobs are not created equal. The receptionist (although some would argue the position is vastly under-appreciated) doesn't expect to earn the same as the CFO. But, when responsibilities are similar, people expect to be paid the same.
Variety. It can be challenging to come up with new things for people to do, but everyone will appreciate a new challenge and the opportunity to tackle it. Boredom leads to disengagement, a company's worst enemy. Ask employees what they'd like to do or learn. You may be thrilled with the results!
Culture. The happiest employees get along with their co-workers, and even continue to see them outside the workplace. An environment with unnecessary stress, flexibility, attitude of acceptance, and supportive supervisors make people glad to come to work every day.
Control. The more employees feel they can take charge of their day, the happier they are. If you've hired well, trust people to do their jobs. Your door is open if they hit a problem or want your input, guidance or advise, but otherwise, expect that they will deliver, on time, every time when required to do so.
Relationship with Managers/Supervisors – The working environment plays a big role in employee’s everyday lives. Managers/Supervisors must treat employees as individuals, recognise employee goals, needs, achievements and give recognition and praise for a job well done. They could also encourage employees to participate in decision making towards everyday procedures, demonstrating to them that their views are important and respected. Remember, at the end of the day, we are ALL EMPLOYEES of the company.
Cooperative and helpful colleagues – Tenured employees must be willing to assist and support onboarding employees with their needs or any difficulties or problems that may arise. It problems are not addressed then it will end in a breakdown of developing relationship.
Defined role of corporate culture – Every organisation has its own practices and policies regarding business operations. When “on-boarding or indication” Employers and a Human Resources department, must effectively communicate these policies to the employees so they would have a clearer view and understanding of their commitment towards the organisation and contribution to its on-going success.
The best thing you can do for your employees is to provide them with job satisfaction. When they are happy, they will do anything to make the company successful. In the end, everyone wins!
Flexibility - Flexible working doesn’t have to cause a huge shift in the day-to-day running of a company but it is one area where small changes can have incredibly positive results, namely staff motivation, retention and productivity. There are many different ways of creating a more flexible working environment, including:
1. Work out what motivates your staff
2. Don’t lose good staff through poor management
3. Give employees the freedom to control their destiny
4. Resist the urge to micro manage
6. Encourage down time
Mentoring and Training - The importance of mentoring & training for individuals and organizations goes without saying. Training and mentoring can be effective approaches to developing employees. Both have grown in popularity, with many employers using them to enhance the skills, knowledge and performance of their people around specific skills and goals. This leads to a mutually beneficial relationship between mentor and mentee that serves to create strong organizational ties while offering further working developments.
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