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Permission to Email and SMS Please note, due to Data Protection laws, we can only send you automatic job updates and relevant information regarding our websites and recruitment newsletter to this address if you pick the yes option. Your email address is used by us almost entirely for communication about work we are doing on your behalf. This may include sending you relevant industry news and blogs, offer you work opportunities in line with your CV or contact you should we have trouble processing your application.
Please acknowledge and confirm your consent for Hospitality Search International and Global Candidates Vault Limited to process, store and/or transmit with our client once we have your consent to do so any information you provide for the purpose of finding suitable employment for you. This consent covers all information we may require in order to work with you; including but not limited to processing your application. We will not request any information that is not required for a business need. We take data privacy and security extremely seriously and your information will be processed and secured in accordance with legislative requirements. Hospitality Search International processing your personal details in relation to potential job vacancies. Your details will be processed in accordance with the Privacy Policy. Please click here to view our Policy Notice.