3 Recruitment Tips to Assess a Candidate's Integrity
1. Check Social Media Profiles
Researching candidates via their social media profiles can provide some huge in sights. Social media profiles as being essentially resumes endorsed by peers and friends, and says that it is a very good way of understanding a candidates personality and lifestyle.
2. Mix Up The Interview Process
If you want to prevent candidates from gaming the interview and selection process, then you might want to introduce situations that are harder to prepare for – for example, add a bit of job-relevant role play, discuss a controversial case study, or even ask a thought-provoking question such as would you lie for me?.
3. Bring the Experts On - Board
Of course, if you really want to peer through the window of your candidates souls, you could even consider bringing a panel of specialists along such as psychologists and behaviour experts, who can help you to better understand how each candidate is likely to respond to frustration, stress, peer pressure and general workplace anxieties. This might be a little intimidating for the candidate, but if employee integrity is a really hot topic for you, then it's worth considering.
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